School Community Council (SCC)

School Community Councils (SCC’s) are school-level advisory committees that are required in every school. The Education Act, 1995, and the Education Regulations, 1986, provide a common yet flexible framework for all SCC’s.

Under the authority of boards of education, SCC’s have specific powers and duties. SCC’s consist of elected members and appointed members.

SCC’s work with parents and community to develop shared responsibility for the learning success and well-being of all children and youth. They encourage and facilitate the involvement of youth, parents and the community in school planning and improvement processes.

The SCC is comprised of a minimum of five parent representatives, two student representatives, a teacher representative, and the school principal.  Community members associated with the school may also serve on the council as non-voting representatives.  It is the role of the council to support the school in achieving the goals as set out in the School Learning Improvement Plan.  In addition, council members may assist with events and function as spokepersons for the school in the larger community.  The council meets approximately six times a year.  All parents and students are welcome to attend meetings and share in discussions, but only council members may vote on motions.